On this date in 1836, the Republic of Texas declared its independence from Mexico with much lofty rhetoric (covering baser motives) in a meeting held at Washington-on-the-Brazos. Four days later, the Alamo fell, but Santa Ana's hubris (and Sam Houston's army) caught up with him at San Jacinto six weeks later and, on April 21, independence was actually secured.
To Texans (except for the nuts issuing Texas passports in Overton) and non-Texans alike, I'd recommend spending a little time today putting your boots up, opening up a Shiner, and listening to Lyle Lovett (maybe the Live in Texas--read as an imperative--album and especially "You're Not from Texas [But Texas Wants You Anyway]"). If you happen to be in Austin, stop by Iron Works Barbecue, order the brisket plate, and think of me.
Perhaps, having just identified myself pretty closely with Texas nationalism, this is not a good time to mention this, but to those who find Texans a little hard to take, consider this: That's pretty much how people in the rest of the world feel about Americans. Texans, in fact, are just Americans on steroids. The point, I think, is well made by comparing the Texas Declaration of Independence to the Declaration of Independence of the United States. And if you need a further clue to the character of Texans--and Americans--note that the man whose name became synonymous with dissent--Samuel A. Maverick--was among the signers of the Declaration back on March 2, 1836.